Thursday, April 05, 2007
Being a responsible grown-up type person (or a reasonable facsimile of one) is just no fun sometimes! All I want to do is stay up plying, but instead I need to go to bed and sleep, or else I'll be no use tomorrow at work. My bosses and coworkers understand the importance of art/craft, but I don't think that would extend to me snoring away in my cube! But tomorrow night will be a no-holds barred ply-fest-orama!
The last few days have been a bit rough emotionally because I'm coming up on the anniversary of some sad stuff in my life. It gets a little easier every year, but I'm still struggling with some of it, so it's been throwing me off. But, I'm trying to keep on keepin' on and taking pleasure in little things (like plying). But I have two other silly, happy things that make me smile today:
1) The Office was new tonight. I have been freakin' dying to see what would happen between Jim and Roy. I'm not much of a teevee person, and I can't stand Steve Carrell, but I love this show whole-heartedly. It is so ridiculous, outlandish, and silly that it always makes me not only smile, but laught loud enough to scare my cat. And I love the story of Jim and Pam. That's what got me hooked in the first place, was the YouTube videos of the story of Jim and Pam. I love a good longing from afar romance :-) I DVR'd it, so DON'T tell me what happened! That's one of my Friday night treats, watching that silly show. It's my wind-down from the work week. I'm ridiculously excited over watching "my stories" tomorrow night :-) 2) My mom and I went out to dinner tonight and afterward went out for a bit of shopping. I bought a bottle of sparkling apple cider, but the cashier didn't look at it closely, assumed it was alcohol and CARDED ME. Love you, cashier! I know that I don't look 21 or under, but it still tickled me to death. I told her that she made my day. Mom was kind of offended that she didn't get carded too, but she only bought coffee filters, and last time I checked, you don't need ID to obtain those. But I repeat: love you, cashier!
Happy Friday Eve!
# posted by Jenni @ 4/05/2007 10:23:00 PM