Thursday, April 10, 2003
Well, I would be writing more... but there's really nothing to write about. How many "worked on Bob, spun some Box Office" posts can you all read? Because that's what I've been up to :-) This week has been much better than last. I've been able to have some time to relax and unwind and I've had time for fibery stuff. Tuesday I worked on Bob for about an hour and a half and yesterday for maybe an hour. I'm up to 9.5" on the body and it's slow going. I need to start figuring out how much length I want for the body. When I washed my swatch, it shrunk quite a bit lengthwise so I need to take that into account. I want the body to end up being about 15" long, so I'll probably have to knit about 18" (don't quote me on that, I'll need to do some measuring and calculating to make sure I'm right.) But it that's the case, I'm more than halfway there. Yea! Because my focus has been on Bob, not much Box Office has been spun, but I keep doing a bit at a time at odd moments. I'll probably end up focusing on it more over the weekend (which I really can't wait for!!!) So, I'm off to work. Tonight it's girls' night out with Mom, then tomorrow Mark and I are celebrating our 100 days of living together by going to the sneak preview opening of our local amusement park, King's Island. I'm looking forward to it, as long as it isn't too frigid! Make it a great day!
# posted by Jenni @ 4/10/2003 07:05:00 AM