Wednesday, April 16, 2003
At what point does one become a dead-beat blogger? Because I fear I may have reached that point :-( I'm sorry for my lack of posting lately, it's not that I don't want to, it's just that... I don't want to. Let me explain: I'm still trying very hard to find my stride in this new 40 hours of work a week world. My last job, the most I worked a week was 28 hours, and that wasn't every week. As a matter of fact, I pretty much set my own schedule, my boss was so flexible. I has set days to come in, but whenever I wanted a day off, all I had to do was say "Hey Joe, can I have such-and-such day off?" He never said no to me. So this work 40 hours a week, every week, Monday-Friday 8-5 thing is really throwing me off. The first week was horrible. I cannot explain how horrible. I was ready to quit. Last week (the second week) was much better. I had time to blog, just nothing was happening, so I didn't blog much. This week things are a little rougher than last week, but not as bad as the first week. I'm just trying to find a balance. I really like my job, and while I'm there the time really flies. But the time at home flies FASTER. I have about six hours between the time I get home and the time I go to bed. And that sounds like a lot, except I help make dinner, do the dishes, lay out clothes for the next day, pack lunch for the next day, straighten up the apartment, sometimes run errands and on and on. I've had some time for crafty stuff, and sometimes quite a bit, but it still doesn't feel like I get much done at night and blogging would take away from that even more. Don't get me wrong, I love blogging. But when it comes down to it, I'd rather do than write about doing. But even more than that, I'd like to feel like I have time to do both. And right now, I'm just not feeling that. Maybe it's because one of our biggest clients is in town, maybe it's because I didn't get enough sleep over the weekend, but this week is just a little more crunched. So, I promise to try to get a nice chunk of an update up, at least over the weekend if all else fails, but in the meantime please forgive me if you've been looking forward to a post from me. Now, I have to go out because two liters are on sale and we drink a lot of pop. For a quick fiber synopsis, Bob is stalled, Box Office is chugging along at the speed of a slug (not for lack of me working on it, it's just that spinning that fine is SLOW) and I went out last weekend and bought all the weaving stuff I need and have the loom half dressed to make a set of dish towels out of cottolin. Pictures and details when I feel as though I have time to breath. And yes, I would like some cheese with this whine :-) XXOO
# posted by Jenni @ 4/16/2003 07:43:00 PM