Thursday, February 20, 2003
Well, since you couldn’t hear me screaming last night, you probably already assumed that the fuzzy footing went ok. And you’d be right. It got off to a bit of a rocky start, but the felting was successful and I now have a fuzzy foot that fits perfectly. Of course, I don’t have the yarn to make the second one, so I’ll have to order some more to complete my set. *Sigh* At least I redesigned it well. I reduced the cuff to 24 stitches and the body to 36 stitches, instead of 44 all the way through. I reduced the cuff so much because it won’t felt where it’s paired up with the Multi-fizz and the body was just too much for me! All in all, I’m happy and now I feel fine working on Mom’s and Mark’s. Mom wants ones the exact same size as my smaller one and Mark wants his to be the size of the first one I made, just a bit longer. Mom’s will be purple with the same Multi-Fizz and Mark’s will be emerald with charcoal cuffs. Then I may make one more pair of turquoise with lime cuffs. I’m not sure who those will be for, but I’m sure I will think of someone. I just really like that color combo, and I have the yarn, so I might as well! Anyway, tonight for my knitting night with Mom, I worked on her sock and finally made it to the heel. The heel ought to go pretty quickly, then I’m on the home stretch to the ankle. Once again I’ll be making ankle socks with a short ribbed cuff. I’ll be going down to the size ones or maybe even zero’s to make a snug ribbing. On my last sock, the ribbing was loose when I made it on the same size needle. I don’t want that to happen again, so I’ll just scale down. I think I’ll have extra yarn too, so I’ll have to figure out something to do with it. I wonder if I’d have enough to make a washcloth. Hmmmmm. I’ll have to see. Anyway, I finally am having some success with fuzzy feet, so hip hip hooray. I think I deserve a cookie for that! Good night all, have a great day tomorrow!
P.S. I wanted to include pictures, but blogger is being wonky. Hopefully I'll be able to post all my pictures tomorrow. I'll cross my fingers!
# posted by Jenni @ 2/20/2003 10:03:00 PM