Monday, February 17, 2003
Get out the ruler and smack my hand, because I've been a bad, bad blogger! I honestly, fully intended to post about the fuzzy feet on Friday and I even started the post in my mind, and then Friday I was working on the fuzzy feet and something very, very frustrating happened with them. I still don't even want to go into it. I'm trying to work up the gumption to write about my fuzzy feet disaster. Truly, the project has been one disaster after the other. It has been the most frustrating project I think I've ever worked on for "pleasure" (and there's been no pleasure from this project, it's been a giant pain in my rump, start to finish! So, hopefully tomorrow I'll be a good girl and give you the long run down of my fuzzy feet frustrations, but for tonight I'm tired and cranky and still not over the disappointment of fuzzy feet, so I'm off for some spinning and some sleep!
# posted by Jenni @ 2/17/2003 09:28:00 PM