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This RingSurf Site is owned by The Patchwork Butterfly

I wasn't born with wings, so I'm trying to make my own
Sunday, February 03, 2008  

Mmmm... birthday cake
Mmmm... birthday fleeceOh yeah, this is TOTALLY a new tradition.

So, another year older and not a bit wiser :-)

Actually, it's been quite a year: 27 will go down as the year I got my (first) book contract. The year I edited my first books. The year of my first SOAR. The year that Margaret Stove admired my work (squee!). All in all, a pretty amazing year. There were definitely some rough patches, and some trials by fire. But I made it through, and I'm excited for 28. The day before my birthday, the weather was pretty wild and tempestuous, but then my birthday was nothing but beautiful blue skies. I hope that change in weather is a sign that 28 will be smooth sailing. We'll see!

It's been a very full week! There was my birthday, of course, which was an awesome day. I took the day off of work and the people who love me spent the day spoiling me. I am a very lucky girl! I got the awesome Cormo fleece shown above (17 microns--yum) AND this:
a Deb's Delicate Deluxe drumcarder by Patrick Green. Be still my heart. I got to try one of these amazing machines at SOAR and fell in love. And now... my carding dreams have come true :-) As you can see, I'm already putting to use--I got some Polwarth/silk from Rovings at SOAR and it wasn't as blended as I like, so I'm running it through the carder to blend it more. And it is coming out BEAUTIFUL. I am in LOVE. I also found a GREAT place to keep the drumcarder, so now I have a permanent carding station all set up. It is so SWEET! (Sorry for all the caps, this is just awesome and I am so excited :-) I just want to hug it. But I promise not to. That would probably hurt.

I'm really excited to get playing and creating, trying different color and fiber blends to see what I can come up with. I've been on a dyed roving kick for awhile now, but I've been enjoying sampling some batts lately. I see lots of batt creating in my future :-) Yippee!

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